Business Planning Process

Strategic Business Planning Process

Springboarders’ unique methodology enables us to fully understand your business situation and develop your custom business plan. Our business / strategic planning process will give you fresh insights about your business that can take your imagination and strategies in new, more profitable directions. Click on the images below to learn more.

Strategic Business Planning Process, Step #1: Situational Assessment

We consider this phase a ‘roll-up-the-sleeves-and-deep-dive’ phase, where we essentially pore over market and industry data and conduct one-one-one interviews and/or mass surveys with your customers (existing and potential), partners, employees and other stakeholders. The goal here is to understand your business, industry and market thoroughly. We follow a systematic structure, starting off by identifying what you want – your business objectives, goals and aspirations. Next, we take a hard look at the external environment.

These questions are starting points for our research of your market:

  • What trends are affecting your industry and market?
  • Who among your competitors is most successful, and why?
  • Which market segments are growing, and why?
  • How do your customers make purchasing decisions?

We then analyze your company’s business model and unique selling proposition, and answer questions such as:

  • What does your company have that the market desperately wants?
  • In what areas can your company improve?

You may be surprised at the results of our research during this phase of the business planning process. In our experience, owners and/or directors of most entrepreneurial companies are too busy managing day-to-day activities that they may miss major, gradual changes in a dynamic marketplace.

Our pragmatic, thorough Situational Assessment will enlighten you, inspire you, and provide you with a new confidence in your business’s unique selling proposition and ability to compete in today’s changing markets.

Strategic Business Planning Process, Step #2: Strategy and Tactics

To thrive, your company must maintain a unique and valuable position in the marketplace. Discovering the means to bring your company to that point is the goal for all activities in the Strategy and Tactics Phase.

We start off by helping you take a broad view of your company, its principles, and its future. What do you believe in? Where do you see your company in the future? The answers will shape a vision and purpose for your company.

Armed with useful information about your market and your business, we will begin to craft your Marketing Plan — the heart of your Business Plan — by answering questions such as:

  • What problems are your company’s products or services going to solve?
  • Which niche or segment has the potential to be most profitable for your business?
  • How can you stand out from the competition, build a great company, and turn your customers into evangelists, spreading the word about your products and services?
  • When will your new business initiative break even?

We will also examine your company’s ability to execute your strategy. Is your staffing at the right level? Is your company workflow optimal for the industry and the market? What are your company’s ‘pressure points’ and risks, and how can they be managed?

This is the most creative phase of the process, but it can also be challenging. We will guide, encourage and challenge you to view your business in many different ways. You’ll discover new ways to position your company, make it more efficient, and plan so that you can avoid future risks.

Strategic Business Planning Process, Step #3: Implementation

The soul of the Springboarders strategic business planning process lies in the Implementation phase. Nothing will change in your organization if plans are not put into action.

Using your Vision as a starting point, we build a detailed plan for implementing your strategy. This plan includes prioritized tasks, budgets, timelines, and responsibilities.

You’ll find the implementation plan is both comprehensive and inspiring: by knowing exactly what needs to be done and what resources are involved, you can take action right away in bringing your new business plan to life.

If you meet a fork in the road, our business plan is ready for adjustment. We’re well aware that dynamic entrepreneurial companies can meet unforeseen changes that require a change of course. The Springboarders Implementation roadmap is designed with the ability to change built-in. You can easily tweak the roadmap to reflect your company’s new priorities and direction.

Regardless of your path, a Springboarders business plan will remain a relevant, motivational guide to your organization’s near future. We encourage you to contact us so we can show you how.


Paul Paolatto, Executive Director,

“Springboarders is the first business planning company that understands that the success of any plan is predicated on tactical execution, and writes its plans accordingly”.